Gerard Schwarz

American conductor Gerard Schwarz, born to Viennese parents in 1947, has been Music Director of the Seattle Symphony since 1985 and of the RLPO since 2001. A graduate of The Juilliard School, he began his conducting career in 1966, and within ten years was appointed Music Director of the New …

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Lauren Scott | harp

Lauren Scott is an inspiring musician; alongside her decades of work freelancing with the major UK orchestras, she is known for pushing musical boundaries on multiple projects as harpist with various chamber groups, as well as for creating numerous collaborative projects. In the last six years she has composed, arranged …

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Anneke Scott | french horn

One of the leading period performers of her generation, Anneke Scott has been described as ‘one of the finest horn soloists’ (Early Music Review). Anneke is principal horn of many internationally renowned period instrument ensembles including Sir John Eliot Gardiner’s Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique and English Baroque Soloists, ensemble Pygmalion, …

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Seattle Opera

Founded in 1963, Seattle Opera is one of the leading opera companies in the United States. The company is recognized internationally for the quality of its productions and as the pre-eminent presenter of Wagner’s opera in the United States. While under the direction of its founding general director Glynn Ross, …

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Inbal Segev | cello

Inbal Segev is “a cellist with something to say” (Gramophone). Combining rich tone and technical mastery with rare dedication and intelligence, she has appeared with orchestras including the Berlin Philharmonic, London Philharmonic, Israel Philharmonic, Baltimore Symphony, St. Louis Symphony and Pittsburgh Symphony, collaborating with such prominent conductors as Marin Alsop, …

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